Housing Support & Homelessness

Our Housing Supports Program is a community based program that strives to serve community who are at risk of homelessness. We also provide supports with navigating the housing system. We work from an appropriate housing first model with our goal being successful, quality housing.
We are unable to look for private market housing* but can provide subsidies towards private market rent.
* Private Market Housing – housing that is privately owned by an individual (or company) who generally does not receive direct subsidies to purchase or maintain it. Prices are set by the private market.
Providing culturally safe, quality services with homeless prevention, housing education, and advocacy.

How to Reach Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586
Raelene C., Team Lead
Email: raelene.c@vnfc.ca
Events Calendar

Budgeting Support and Education
Homeless prevention services include collaborating with Credit Counselling Society toward financial freedom by hosting once a month Financial Literacy lunch and learn webinars – all community are welcome to join. We provide one-on-one budget breakdowns with our clients towards financial management and if they require further supports, we will refer to CCS or Rent Bank.

Housing Application Support
We support the understanding and completion of housing applications one-on-one with our team. Support provided one day per month. Contact Intake to book your time to get support.

Rent smart – 6 module course
Rent Smart is 6 module course, 2 hours per module. Generally running over 6 weeks. Rent Smart courses will be offered in-person and will be ongoing at no cost for the Indigenous community to attend. Rent Smart runs in partnership with the Metis Society. Course is open to all participants 19 and older. Upon completion participants will receive a Rent Smart Certificate that can be used as a reference for tenancy.

Start-up kits for new tenants
Start-up kits are used for community who are securing their first home, new home, and do not have the necessities for housing supplies. We provide basic housewares from kitchen, bathroom, and cleaning supplies. We also have purchase orders that we can provide for furniture and clothing through our partnerships with Sleep Country, Habitat for Humanity, and WIN (Women In Need).
We have limited amount of gift cards that we can provide to community who are facing financial hardships and are in need of one-time support with groceries. Contact Intake to determine eligibility.

Tenancy Advocacy
Supporting any Residential Tenancy Agreement, eviction notices, landlord disputes, landlord liasoning, supporting tenancy agreement understanding, and helping complete applications. Contact Intake to book your time to get support.
The Subsidy Program
The Subsidy program helps people independently maintain goals towards homeless prevention and rental payments. For example, securing affordable/subsidized housing, a debt management program towards financial security, and freedom. Rent Smart course and certificate of completion or increased income earnings. Subsidy funding can also be used for damage deposits, moving expenses, and other secured housing barriers.
BC Housing
Siem Lelum
Luma Housing
Pacifica Housing
M’akola Housing
Rent Bank
Credit Conunselling Society
Habitat for Humanity
Women In Need
Sleep Country
Funding source provided by

Contact the Housing Support Program department
today for more information
Contact Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586