Bruce Parisian Library

The Victoria Native Friendship Centre Library opened to the public on May 28th, 2014. Beginning in 2021, the Library Indigenized its collection and refurbished its space with the plan of incorporating Reconciliation as its focus moving forward. Approximately 70% of the 5200+ items in the library have Indigenous content or are written by Indigenous authors.
On March 9th, 2018, the library was re-named the Bruce Parisian Library to honour the recently retired executive director, Bruce Parisian. Bruce was executive director of the VNFC for over 18 years. He bought the original collection of Indigenous books.
Our current mandate is to support literacy programs in the community; encourage a love of books and reading; and raise awareness of the valuable and impressive history, accomplishments, knowledge and skills of Indigenous people in Canada.
How to Reach Us
9:00am – 4:00pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211 ext. 2292
Email: library@vnfc.ca
Katrina Philpotts, Library Coordinator
Email: katrina.p@vnfc.ca

Events Calendar

Author Visits
Collaborating with the GVPL, authors like Richard Wagamese and Monique Gray Smith have visited. Come join us for readings and Q&A’s with other amazing authors in the future.

Library Membership
Membership costs one dollar per year. Any interested member of the public may join. Items may be borrowed from the library for three weeks, and may be renewed by email, phone or in person. Email, call, or come see us in-person to become a member.

Library Volunteering
Volunteering is a great way to connect with community and make lasting relationships. In the past, the library was largely run by volunteers. It never could have reached where it is now without their help.

About Our Logo
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Contact the library today for
more information
Contact Us
9:00am – 4:00pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211 ext. 2292
Email: library@vnfc.ca