Career, Employment and Education Resources (CEER)

We support youth and adults in the community with short and long-term goals as it relates to your education and career journey. These services are offered in a supportive atmosphere to help community members achieve employment goals and to foster a sense of focus and self-confidence in order to compete in the labour market successfully. Contact the CEER department today for more information. We are committed to helping the local urban Indigenous community reach their career and education goals!

How to Reach Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586
Events Calendar

Employment Support
Support services include: job search, resume writing, cover letters, and interview preparation, Career guidance and exploration.

Short-term Skills Development
Skills development & training, such as First Aid, Food Safe, driver training class N and up, and more. Please also inquire about our outreach programs run through Group Workshops or Group Offerings in Community.

Back to Work Supports
Job start supports, including work gear/tools, work clothes, and bus tickets.

Funding For Post-secondary Education
Education funding for tuition & books (Certificate, Diploma, Undergrad); navigation for bursaries, scholarships and other funding sources. We welcome in students in the following time periods:
– Fall Semester Students (Sept-Dec) – contact us in July
– Winter Semester Student (Jan-Apr) – contact us in November
– Spring/Summer Semester (May-Aug) – contact us in March
*NOTE: Intake is first-come-first-serve, pending funding availability.

Career Transition
Career transition support for mid-career adult professionals including career matchmaking and job placement with local employers. Access to other CEER services available. Funded through our ELST (Employment, Life Skills & Training) program.

Entrepreneurship Support
Indigenous Business 1:1 Mentoring Program for entrepreneurs. If you are looking to launch a business, work as an artist, grow your business or improve your small business. Please contact us for the next offering.

Job Club
Welcoming the community to a once a week in-person drop-in job club. Drop-in any time between 1pm and 4pm on Tuesday’s in the Computer Lab. If you can’t join us for our drop-in or would like the latest information about CEER please join our Facebook group for employment opportunities, resources and local information in the Greater Victoria area.

Alternative Funding Options
- RBC Indigenous Student Awards Program (apply by February)
- Irving K. Barker Award (apply in March or April)
- New Relationship Trust Foundation (apply in March or April)
NIB Trust Fund (apply in March or April) - Chief Joe Mathias BC Aboriginal Scholarship Fund (apply in March or April)
- BC Hydro Indigenous Scholarships & Bursaries (apply in April/May)
- Genevier Sullivan Memorial Bursaries for Indigenous Former Youth in Care (apply by October)
- BCAAFC First Citizens Fund
- BCAAFC Post-secondary Student Support Program
- Support for Indigenous Student Learning Program (SISLP) – laptop/technology equipment supports
- Indspire
- Métis Nation BC
- Native Women’s Association of Canada
- Media Girlfriends Indigenous Student Scholarship – (apply in April)
- CMHA BC Indigenous Mental Health Fine Arts Bursary (FAB) Award
- Canada Post Awards for Indigenous Students
- RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth (apply in September)
- Timber Wolf Legacy Fund (construction trades)
- VICA Training Fund (construction trades)
- Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) ISET Program for Non-Status First Nations
Employment Resources
Camosun College
Supports for Students
- UVic First Peoples House
- Camosun Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen Centre for Indigenous Education & Community Connections
- Vocational & Technical Education Scholarships – Horatio Alger Association Canada
Local Bursaries & Scholarships
- UVic Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards for Indigenous Students
UVic LE,NOṈET Bursaries - Camosun Awards for Indigenous Students
- Camosun Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG)
- Award Programs – Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore (
- Scholarship – First Nations, Inuit & Métis (FNIM) Program – SE Health (
- Women in Need (WIN) Self Sufficiency Program
- Telus Student Bursary
Additional Resources