Youth Services

The VNFC Youth Department provides a variety of programming and events to stimulate a positive, supportive, and creative environment for Indigenous Youth. Support workers can help to provide guidance and choices to clients so that they can meet their various goals towards their overall wellbeing.
The Youth Services Team (Youth Support Workers and Youth Addictions Worker) provide one-to-one support services for Indigenous youth ages 12-24 who are living in and around the Greater Victoria area. The Young Warriors program is also available for kids ages 7-12 and is offered through the ECD Team.
Follow our Facebook and Instagram channels to stay up-to-date on all the Youth Services fantastic programming.
Our mission is to provide supportive, empowering, educational, and culturally sensitive programming that promotes holistic wellness for urban Indigenous Youth.
How to Reach Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586
Kailyn J., Youth Drop-In Team Lead
email: kailyn.j@vnfc.ca
Tony C., IndigeMind Founder & Lead
email: tony.c@vnfc.ca

Events Calendar

Youth RAVE Drop-In
The RAVE Youth Drop-in serves youth ages 12-18 years old. Our Drop-in program offers structured programming that often challenges the youth to try something new, to learn something new, and get out of their comfort zone. We publish our activity calendars at the beginning of each month.
In addition, we have monthly drop-ins for 2SLGBTQIA+ for youth and allies from 12-25 years of age.
No intake required.

Youth Educational Workshops
We have also hosted many Educational workshops including:
Learning Through Loss
Sexual Health Workshops
Art Therapy
ISPARC ( Indigenous Sports and Recreation Council)
First Aid
We are always looking for more programming, so please feel free to reach out to our Youth Department if you are interested in connecting.

Young Warriors
The 6-week Empowerment Program is for kids ages 7-12 and is hosted through the ECD Department. Followed by a 6-week Connections Program for kids ages 7-12.
Program Content:
• Coping with Strong Emotions
• Standing up to Bullies
• Healthy Relationships
• Expressing Boundaries
• Health & Wellness
• Connecting to Culture
Participants will receive a certificate upon completion.
Monday afternoon drop-in from 4pm – 6pm open for any current or past program participants.

The IndigeMind ClimateAction program is a one of a kind, transformative, and unique land- based program designed for Indigenous youth both on and off reserve. IndigeMind centers its program design around three core Pillars:
1. Cultural Revitalization through land-based programming
2. The mental health and well-being of Indigenous youth
3. Potential career and education pathways within the Climate Action space that can be further pursued upon completion of the program
Through a combination of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Western science, participants will learn practical skills to increase the adaptive capacity of their home communities.

Youth Summer Camp
Summer camps are offered to youth each year from July – August, with each day bringing new challenges, adventures, and learning opportunities. We also occasionally offer Spring Break Camps (funding dependant). In past years, our camps have done numerous outings in the community including:
- Day trips up Island (Cowichan Tubing, Malahat Sky Walk)
- Wildplay Movie nights at Silver City Flying Squirrel
- Thetis Lake
- Camping Trips
Registration for Summer Camps start in late Spring. You can either complete the inquiry form or contact us at 250.384.3211.

Youth Services Events
Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ Gatherings
Annually the Youth Department works hard to put on the 2SLBTQIA+ Gathering which started in 2015. This is a gathering that honours our Indigenous 2-Spirit, LGBTQIA+ and Indigequeer youth, and is open to all LGBTQIA+ youth ages 12-24 years, and the allies who support them. Come meet and connect over cultural activities, ceremony, workshops, keynote speakers, information booths, group activities and feasting. This gathering also provides friends and family the opportunity to learn about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in a safe and open environment!
Youth Summer BBQ
An annual barbeque to honour our hard working students and graduates. This is hosted either at the end of school, or the end of summer!
Check the VNFC calendar for the latest details.
One-to-One Youth Support Services
Personal Support
– Referrals to community resources
– Advocacy
– Food Security
– Support navigating various governmental systems (MCFD, Youth Justice, Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction)
– Support with making and getting to crucial appointments
– Employment readiness (resume writing, job applications)
– Education and Alternate Education Plans
– Life skills
– Mental health, substance use, sexual health, and referrals
– Help accessing harm reduction/sexual health supplies
– Support navigating health care system
– Pregnancy and parenting support
– Helping 2SLBTQIA+ individuals access gender affirming care
– Access to sports and recreation
– Support with housing applications
Back To School Picnic Youth Empowerment Society The Foundry Youth Clinic Quadra Village Community Centre Representative for Children and Youth Aged Out Kuu-us Indigenous Crisis Line Threshold Housing
About Our Logo
Our department is grateful for the use of this logo created and designed by Jeanette Mercer.
Contact the Youth Services Program
today for more information
Contact Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586