Food Security

To provide nutritious meals to families that otherwise couldn’t be afforded. Our main focus is to support the community with healthy food options.

Inquiry Form
How to Reach Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586
Carrie P., Kitchen Manager

Food Hamper
The Hamper Program was developed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to provide food security supports to community members.
The Hamper Program:
– Provides 220 hampers on a weekly basis to families, those sheltering in hotels, individuals, and tenants residing at Siem Lelum and Fernwood house.
– Provides fresh produce, Cobbs bread, Farm and Field meat, Zambris pasta sauce, and non-perishable food items.
– Provide nutritious food and snacks
– Allows for community to continue being connected to the Victoria Native Friendship Centre through food

In-house Catering
Providing support to VNFC programs. Team leaders coordinate with the Food Security Team for support.
Mustard Seed
- Office: 625 Queens Ave.
- P: 250-953-1575
- Hours: Mon- Fri. 9:00am1:30pm (appointment or walk-in)
- ID: yourself and all family members
- Availability: once a month
St. Vincent de Paul Social Concern
- Office: 828 View Street
- P: 250-382-0712
- Hours: Mon-Fri. 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm
- ID: yourself and all family members
- Availability: once a month
St. john the Divine Emergency Food
- Service: 1611 Quadra St.
- P: 250-383-7169
- Hours: Tues and Fri. 10:00am-12:00pm. Closed Fi & Tues after Income Assisstance cheques issued; open Friday the following week
- ID: No
- Availability: once a month
Goldstream Food Bank
- 761 Station Ave.
- P: 250-474-4443
- Hours: Tues and Wed. 10:00am-2:30pm. Open first 3 weeks of the calendar month
- ID: yourself and all family members and mail, utility bill
- Availability: Once per month
Sidney Lions Food Bank
- 9586 Fith St.
- P: 250-655-0679
- Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri. 9:00am-12:00pm. Closed the last week of the month.
- ID: yourself and all family members and mail, utility bill
- Availability: Once per month
Shelbourne Community Kitchen (Pantry Program)
- 3541 Shelbourne St.
- P: 250-590-0980
- Hours: Tues-Fri 10:00am-2:00pm
- Availability: 1st one free & have to sign for programs.
Living Edge, Quadra Village Community Centre
- 901 Kings Rd.
- P: 250-360-6928 (Doug)
- Hours: Tues and Thurs 10:30am-11:30am
- ID: No