Aboriginal Infant Development Program (AIDP)

The first three years of life are the most important time in a child’s growth and development. Sometimes babies need extra support during the early years. The Aboriginal Infant Development Program (AIDP) works with families in respectful ways to support them and their infants through their early developmental stages. AIDP provides support to families where there is a child from birth to age six years who is showing developmental delays or is at risk of developing mental concerns. For these children, intervention and support can be the most effective when it is begun as early as possible.
Each child is a special gift from the Creator. The Aboriginal Infant Development Program’s Mission is to honour this gift by supporting the development of Aboriginal children with the context of family, community, and culture and by offering access to culturally appropriate early intervention programming.
How to Reach Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586
Rebecca Mabee, Programs Manager
Email: r.mabee@vnfc.ca

Activity Planning
The AIDP will plan fun and engaging activities together to build on your child’s strengths to support infant growth and development.

Home Visits
Your AIDP Consultant will visit you in your home or wherever you feel most comfortable.

Referrals to community agencies
We provide referrals to community agencies and health services.

Service coordination
We coordinate services to help support children’s needs. With your permission, we can get extra support for your child in areas such as speech, language, motor skills, feeding, hearing, vision, stress and anxiety.

About Our Logo
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Contact the AIDP today for more information
Contact Us
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday
231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8Z 1J6
Tel: (250) 384-3211
Fax: (250) 384-1586